because the spread I did this morning didn't seem to be related to the theme I thought I'd chosen for this month's ArtSoMoFo. I wasn't consciously aware that I was even using a theme until I was about three days into the challenge. Oh, and the theme is "Celebrate Everyday". Yes, I know I wrote it on my first day spread, but I didn't have eyes to see it then. Inspired by the wacky holiday greetings my altered buddy Elizabeth occasionally sends, I've been hunting around for one to do everyday. And no, I didn't art everyday, but I did more than I usually do when school is in. So far I've found my the most interesting and accurate dates at Holidays on the Net and the online version of Chase's Book of Days. Journaling, like life and work and ... , is supposed to be fun. LIghten up. Play. Experiment. Enjoy. Grow.