In Conversations with God, Book 1 (CWGI), p. 21, we are reminded that there's nothing to learn. We are here "To remember, and re-create, Who You Are". About two weeks ago, I was excited about the show "Starting Over" and recommended it to my clients and coaching colleagues. After watching it for two weeks, I was a bit disappointed .... until I remembered: "This is television, not real life. 'Reality TV.' What an oxymoron. What I would consider the good stuff of coaching probably ended up on the cutting room floor, because there's not a lot of drama in it. After all, the true work of coaching is internal and the shifts are subtle, even imperceptible in the short term. That doesn't make for dramatic viewing." The other part of experience -- NOT the LESSON -- was that I had expectations about what the show should be. ACKKK!! I was shoulding on the show AND on myself -- "I shouldn't have recommended it!" "To live your life without expectation -- without the need for specific results -- that is freedom" (CWGI, p. 101).